sábado, 14 de dezembro de 2019

Moving on 2020

The year is coming to an end, 2019 was very turbulent, but as a good pilot went through the crises.
What was not missing was people trying to boycott the government, in the best strategy "the worse the better", claiming the protection of helpless minorities (ignoring that the worse the country, the poorer people suffer).
There were green militants wanting to save the giraffes of the Amazon, Globo wanting to associate Bolsonaro with the murder of that councilwoman, the STF releasing bandit.
Justice be done the government was also wrong, Bolsonaro needs to learn to be more mediator or stop putting out fire with gasoline. Your children urgently need a filter.
With all 2019 ends well, Brazil grows again, 2020 promises to be the new beginning.
GDP grew by 0.6 in the last quarter (it seems little, but no one comes out of the crisis growing whole digits). We are seeing a clue.
The important thing is that this growth occurs in Paulo Freire's neoliberal agenda - basically the opposite of the measures of Lula and Dilma, which forged a growth, which resulted in this crisis.
What? Do not agree or simply did not understand?
The same number of people who came out of poverty with Lula returned with Dilma. What radius of growth is this?

No Public Spend

What the PT did was basically distribute money: which looks good, but does not generate income, does not create real jobs. In other words, the state becomes a great jealous mother.
The problem is that mothers do not last forever (and overly jealous ones cause serious trauma to their children). Lula's first lie as president was to say that his government would teach how to fish. He lies, Dilma and the notorious leftists gave the fish and supported this measure.
From 2016 until today the governments of Temer and Bolsonaro have been the wrong way around (and yes, labor and social security reform come into this account).
What we as Brazilian citizens and voters need to support is this policy, without public spending.

But what am I talking about anyway?

They are the businessmen: do not think of the costumed, but the owner of the street market; on the guy who opens a photo studio; the girl who invests in a podiatry office; in trained professionals who go to the autonomous or private market.
These people invest, receive clients, hire employees, stockers, secretaries, valets.
This movement is true, unlike the leftist idea that the government is opening office after office, in the "obligation" to hire everyone.
The big difference between the petista and the neoliberal model is that the latter is slower but gradual and consistent. He comes to stay.
If the PT government created jobs, it also created unemployment at the same rate: Brazil went from heaven to hell in a few years.
Growth that starts now and is expected to consolidate by 2020 will generate more jobs (it is happening, slow and gradual. But stable and consistent).
The Bolsonaro government can be criticized: it has earthmover, internal fights, difficulty negotiating. But there are good things. The president has been fulfilling his promise to give carte blanche to Paulo Guedes, who has assembled an excellent economic team, probably the best in Brazilian history.
The leftists, who feasted on the decision of the STF (Supreme Court of Justice) lobster eaters who released Lula, now cry.
The left can lose its great asset of the masses, the political use of the poor. If the release of Lula increased outrage, true economic growth will increase the quality of life.
It's the old Maxim of Reinaldo Azevedo: "Everything that is good for the PT is bad for Brazil".
2020 will be better and this is just the beginning.

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